var gamePrediction = {'hr':'[win][win][lose][draw][win][win]','ar':'[draw][draw][draw][draw][win][lose]','hh':'[draw][win][lose][win]','ah':'[lose][lose][lose][lose]','p':'Draw','cf':'★★★★','rm':'0 win(s) 0 draw(s) 0 lose(s)','ct':'Although Netherlands\' overall performances in this tournament are more satisfactory, and they are one of the few teams that can be offensive in the attacking end, England are the favorites to win the championships, and their strength is unpredictable. However, considering that England have drawn 4 consecutive matches with the style of solid defense and sudden attack, Netherlands may not continue their brilliant goal-scoring performance. Accordingly, it\'s likely for them to play a draw within regular time.'}