var gamePrediction = {'hr':'[lose][win][draw][lose][lose][win]','ar':'[win][draw][win][lose][win][win]','hh':'[lose][win][draw][lose]','ah':'[win][lose][lose][lose][win][win]','p':'Inter Milan','cf':'★★★','rm':'0 win(s) 1 draw(s) 5 lose(s)','ct':'Inter Milan and SSC Napoli are both competing for the top of the Serie A table, so neither of them can afford losing points. They must get all 3 points in every game except for the tough opponents. Considering that Inter Milan have achieved 7 wins and 1 draw in the last 8 Serie A games with stable performances, while these rivals US Lecce are the underdogs, Inter Milan are expected to score a perfect win on the road.'}